Case Study: Comic-Con
There is a place in the world were all Science-Fiction enthusiasts can share their devotion and obsession for this genre, this place is called Comic-Con. Comic-con is a social convention in San diego, California, that celebrates the writing and reading of comics as well as the characters and fictional elements in them. The festival not only covers comic books, it also celebrates the production and creation of movies and tv series involved in the genre. This now huge comic festival, attracts thousands of "sci-fi" fans around the world. It was created in 1970, when a group of comic, movie and science fiction enthusiasts decided to create a yearly convention to share their passion for the topic. Comic-Con offers the opportunity to attend numerous meet and greats concerning movie stars, tv series actors or comic authors. Many of this include Wonder Woman, Thor, Hulk, as well as the well known comic book author Stan lee responsible for the Spider Man series and Iron Man. Last year the convention created a new space were each person was able to create their own Science fiction character and later on thanks to virtual reality techniques, become the character itself. This is just another sample of the changing fashion of this festival and its evolving increase in attendance. In conclusion, Comic-Con is the perfect place to dress up as your favourite character, let loose and celebrate science fiction and all its components.
"Stan Lee"
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