Animation seems to be something of a controversial medium. It has nothing to do with the fact that they are cartoons, but with specific scenes some series have released.

The first example I'm using belongs to Scooby-Doo: Daphne, one of the main characters, gets a curse by a gipsy woman. She grows from a size 2 to a size 8, making her cry and feel worse. This was thought to be even dangerous for the audience - mainly kids and teenagers -, because they contributed to make them feel insecure with their bodies. The creators, though, claimed that the message was totally different: the image was not the important thing, but the frienship of the main characters.

In The Simpsons, Principal Skinner - quite a relevant character - suddenly became Armin Tamzarian. The story every viewer knew about him was fake. This really broke the relation viewer-character and generated many dislikes to the episode, and even the series.

To end up with, Herbert, from the show called Family Guy, seems to be really close to pedophilia - but it is often forgotten because of the kind of humor this series has. Still, it is something not to make fun of.

-María Brotóns
