Make it yours

A few years ago it was much more complex to find information on the series rebroadcast on television. However, nowadays it is easy to give curiosities of some series, and even find images in any social network. In addition, this is facilitated by hashtags, which are used in web services such as Twitter, Telegram, FriendFeed, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Weibo or IRC protocol-based messaging to point to a conversation topic. 

The social media in which they are most used are in Twitter and in Instagram, and other times in youtube to characterize the videos. 

Focusing on the theme of the drama series we can find people's opinions under the hashtag #dramashows on Twitter, or we can be more specific looking for information on a more concrete series such as Pretty little liars using #pll

However, apart from the hashtags there are a lot of accounts that are made to just talk about a show and you might find interesting if you like it.

One of the examples is the Twitter account of Greys Anatomy where they comment the show and post quotes and pictures.

And another example is a Breaking Bad Youtube channel where they update behind the scenes of the shows and videos that are related with it.

-María Anglada
