
Our journey as a group so fr has been great! My colleagues and I have worked hard and the work has payed off. I would like to do a review of the posts that I have made since day 1.

I first started the blog off with an introductory post explaining my personal connection to the topic: A way to escape

Then, I talked about The Emmys and explained the connection this worldwide event has with the general topic and my topic.

Research sources was the next post in which I talked about different sources and pages related to comedy tv shows.

I also had to talk about a figure that is related to my topic, and I chose to right about Chuck Lorre a famous comedy series producer.

The power of social media is unbelievable, and it doesn't fail to surprise tv show fans when wanting to discuss their favorite shows. In Social media where fans can discuss I discussed this.

In Its all about the Big Bang Theory I talk about how in my opinion the last season which has been recently released, is one of the best works of the tv show indust
